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The Infant Phototherapy Unit yagadzirira kutumirwa kuPhilippines |MeCan Medical

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MeCan Infant Phototherapy Unit yakazara uye yagadzirira kutakura kuenda kuPhilippines. 

Muchina uyu une mativi maviri anobudirira phototherapy yekumusoro phototherapy uye yakaderera phototherapy, uye nemwaranzi mhedzisiro inoshanda zvakanyanya.Uye Phototherapy inogona kushandiswa zvakasiyana.

Uye zvakare, isu tinogona zvakare kupa Infant Incubator, tinya iyo chigadzirwa mufananidzo kuti uzive zvakawanda.

Zvinoumba yedu Phototherapy Unit:

1. Kupisa kweganda.uye kutonga kwemaoko ne micro-computer

2. Pamusoro petembiricha alarm

3. Kugadziriswa kuripo kwe radiator uye metiresi tilting

4. Nechiedza chimwe chekuvhenekera

5. APGAR timer

6. RS-232 connector

7. Phototherapy(optional)

 Chimiro chemucheche wedu Incubator:

1. Air temp servo-inodzorwa nekombuta

2. Yakasiyana-siyana uye yega-kutarisa maaramu

3. Removable humidity reservoir, nyore kuchenesa

4. Nesherufu yekuisira uye tireyi

5. RS-232 connector