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0.4T Open MRI Machine

MeCan Medical is proud to introduce the Disposable 0.4T Open MRI Machine, a cutting-edge medical diagnostic magnetic resonance system that sets new standards in patient comfort and imaging quality.
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  • MCI0199

  • MeCan


 Product Description

MeCan Medical is proud to introduce the Disposable 0.4T Open MRI Machine, a cutting-edge medical diagnostic magnetic resonance system that sets new standards in patient comfort and imaging quality. This revolutionary system combines a unique "C" type, single pole magnet structure with advanced software for comprehensive diagnostic imaging. Explore the key details and features of this state-of-the-art MRI machine:

0.4T. open mri machine MeCan Medical Manufacturer


 General Product Description:

The Disposable 0.4T Open MRI System is a state-of-the-art medical diagnostic magnetic resonance system designed to provide accurate and comfortable imaging for patients. Key highlights include:

Unique "C" Type Design: The main magnet of the system adopts a unique "C" type, single-pole structure. This design offers a large open degree, with an opening angle exceeding 270 degrees. This generous open design ensures patient comfort and acceptance, reducing anxiety during MRI scans.

Compact and Lightweight: The main magnet boasts a compact structure with small dimensions (1.9m x 1.3m x 1.8m) and is remarkably lightweight (16T). Despite its size, it provides a static magnetic field strength of up to 0.4 Tesla, ensuring exceptional image quality.+


 Software Description:

The MRI machine is equipped with advanced software called "To-Station," specifically designed for Magnetic Resonance Diagnostic Imaging Systems – Open 0.4T. This comprehensive software package serves various essential functions:

Patient Registration: To-Station facilitates the seamless registration of patients, streamlining the imaging process.

System Adjustment: Operators and physicians can easily adjust system parameters for optimal imaging results.

2D & 3D Image Acquisition: The software supports high-quality 2D and 3D image acquisition, providing detailed insights for diagnosis.

Image Processing and Analysis: To-Station includes robust image processing and analysis tools, enhancing diagnostic capabilities.

Image Storage: It allows for efficient image storage, ensuring easy access to patient data.

Image Enhancement: The software incorporates image enhancement techniques to improve diagnostic accuracy.

DICOM Printing: To-Station integrates DICOM printing functionality for producing medical reports and images.
